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PC running slow...this will fix it! by Tony Braithwaite

Author: napsters // Category:

Are you having problems with your computer - Is it running slow - Mine was so slow I could click on something and then go and make a cup of tea while I waited for it to load. Think I'm joking, I'm not....That was until I tried Registry Fix...Now I'm so thirsty I'm dehydrated, no time to make a cup of tea.

You see every computer has a registry - this registry holds lots of information about your PC. When you buy your computer everything is great, it runs at a fantastic speed but the more you use it and try different software and then remove the software you start building invalid entries in your registry. This causes your computer to slow down and everything is so very slow.

These locations that are hiding your invalid entries have no hiding place when you use Registry Fix. In fact you can have a Free Scannow and this will find all the invalid entries caused by Active X Controls, Internet Explorer Errors, System 32 Errors, Runtime Errors and many more. Registry Fix has found hundreds of errors on some computers and all these combined are slowing your computer down to a snails pace.

Don't put up with this any longer get your Free Scan now and restore your computer to it's original speed. Free Scan

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